Customer Service Team Ready to Help Send Message To Comfirm Fitment. Send Message To Comfirm Fitment. Orders made on Saturday & Sunday will be dispatched on the following Monday. This policy does not affect your statutory rights.
Part numbers, models and specifications may change from time to time and although the information contained in this listing page was, to the best of our knowledge, accurate at the time of publication. Premier Truck Parts Ltd cannot accept liability for any inaccurate or subsequent changes to the information provided. The product specifications on this page are intended to be generic in terms of fit and function. The mention of specific trade names, part numbers, or companies is for reference only and not an implication that any specific brand or supplier approves the product. Care should be taken by the customer to ensure the part is suitable for the application required. The parts listed are what's available to us, please note there may be more choices for that model that we cannot yet source or are unknown to us at this time. No liability will be accepted for incorrect fitment. Our online shop supplies everything from brakes and clutches to engine parts and fuel tanks for LF, CF and XF DAF models. We even carry new and used PACCAR and Leyland parts for the design and manufacture of DAF trucks. SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER. Stay up to date with our special offers & promotions.